Customer Product Reviews

We value your feedback at Lacedshop! As a valued customer, we encourage you to share your genuine opinions about our products and services. Your reviews play a crucial role in assisting potential shoppers in making well-informed decisions. So, whether you loved or had reservations about a particular product, we want to hear it all—your honesty matters!

Maintaining the credibility of your reviews is of utmost importance to us. Any attempt to manipulate content or contribute misleading, false, or inauthentic information is strictly prohibited. Should you breach our policy or engage in activities deemed abusive, deceptive, fraudulent, or unlawful at our sole discretion, we reserve the right to restrict your ability to write reviews, remove your content, or suspend/terminate your account. Such misconduct may also be subject to legal action and civil or criminal penalties, potentially violating state and federal laws, including the Federal Trade Commission Act.

If you suspect content manipulation or policy violations, please reach out to us at We will thoroughly investigate any concerns raised and take appropriate action.

By utilizing our reviewing features, you agree to abide by our Terms of Service available at and adhere to this policy, subject to modifications. This policy encompasses any content (text, images, video, and links) you submit to Lacedshop and actions taken (such as voting on helpfulness) when using our Customer Reviews feature. Lacedshop retains the right to post your submission at its discretion.


To submit content using our Customer Reviews, you must be at least 18 years old.


Lacedshop values diverse opinions, so while you may encounter differing views, your reviews should always be respectful of others to maintain a welcoming environment for all users.


Non-compliant content will be rejected or removed. We cannot accept the following:

Inappropriate, Offensive, or Illegal Content

- Libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, or inflammatory content.
- Private information such as phone numbers, addresses, or other personal details.
- Name-calling or personal attacks.
- Content that encourages fraudulent, abusive, illegal, or violent behavior.
- Impersonation of other individuals or organizations.

Infringing Content

- Content that infringes on the intellectual property or proprietary rights of others. Only submit content you own or have permission to use.

Sexual Content

- Submission of sexual content, with the reservation to restrict such content on our site for the comfort of sensitive customers.

Promotional Content and Commercial Solicitations

- Activities involving advertising, promotion, or solicitation, whether direct or indirect.
- Content related to your products or services, competitors' products or services, or on behalf of others.
- Offering or requesting compensation in any form for content creation or modification.
- Submission of advertisements or solicitations, including URLs with referrer tags or affiliate codes.

Additional Non-compliant Content

- Irrelevant content to the product.
- Content containing non-Lacedshop URLs, links to phishing or malware sites.
- Content not written in English, unless relevant to the product.


Include the "why": The best reviews explain not only whether you liked or disliked a product but also why.
Be specific: Focus on the product's specific features or your personal experience. Avoid comments on pricing or availability.
Not too short, not too long: Written reviews must be at least 1 sentence and are limited to 10,000 characters and 4 images per review. Reviews with videos are limited to 1 minute in duration and 1 video per review.
Be sincere: We welcome your honest opinion about the product, and we do not remove reviews based on criticism, as long as they comply with our policy.


Once submitted, reviews cannot be deleted. To request removal, contact us at Removal is at our discretion and may not ensure comprehensive deletion.